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How to escape the poorest service in my life

This is my second time here complaining about a bad device. I subscribed to the Vodafone cablebox in November 2021. Every month, I get billed 43.98 Euros but in the last 8 months, I have only enjoyed 4 months of uninterrupted internet connectivity. This is because my device stopped working with all the (white) lights blinking continuously. The device was replaced about two months and the new one develops the same problem.


I am really sad that I am being ripped off monthly because I signed a contract I am obliged to keep while Vodafone feels no responsibility to deliver on their promise. I have visited a Vodafone office, called twice, written once since the current incident began. Since I just moved to Germany last year, my German is really bad, therefore, I have struggled to get the right service which I wouldn't have needed if their device just works.


My priority right now is to be free of this contract. I just got debited 43.98 Euros for a service I did not use for the last month nor will I be able to use even if I get a reply and a promise to fix the problem. The last time I had this issue, it took more than two weeks between when they finally replied and when the issue was fixed.


Lastly, my job is already difficult to have to deal with poor internet service. Coupled with a contract that locks me into a bad service, it just makes me really feel bad. If anyone reading this has good advice for me on how to get out of this "abusive" contract, I'll thankfully listen to them.


Thank you.

22 Antworten 22

Ok. You can send a technician.


I am more interested in knowing why this is happening and how to ensure it does not happen again. The service has been very disruptive of my work and generally depressive.


BTW, I am moving to a new apartment.


Hello khwarizmi,


unfortunately, without an active signal from the modem, we cannot assess from here why the connection was lost. This has to be looked at by the technician. The technician needs access to the house distribution system and information about whether people in the household are in quarantine. Are you currently at the current address or already at the new address?


Regards Fred

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I am still at the current apartment till tomorrow (Thursday). I will be away from Berlin on Friday and the weeekend. By Monday, I will fully be in the new apartment. When I move to the new apartment, there will be no way to confirm what is wrong with "the house distribution system" as it will be a different apartment.


As I mentioned earlier, it appears to me that the problem is with the device. Perhaps there is something damaging it in the current apartment or the device is substandard. I am just scared of going through this process of contacting you again if I get the same kind of device and something goes wrong. The process is slow and painful. 


Lastly, I live alone and I am not in qurantine.




Hello khwarizmi,


if the modem does not get a signal, is it less on it or are all the LEDs off? Surely no one will be able to come over before Friday. Then please try it in the new apartment. If you move, take the modem with you. Why should you get a new one?


Regards Fred

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Hi Fred,

Q: if the modem does not get a signal, is it less on it or are all the LEDs off? 

A: All the LEDs (3) are blinking.


Q: Why should you get a new one?

A: I'm not sure I understand you. 


I will try it in the new apartment as you suggested.




@khwarizmi  schrieb:

Q: if the modem does not get a signal, is it less on it or are all the LEDs off? 

afaik internet LED is red in case there is no signal and no other LEDs are on/blinking


Hello khwarizmi,


"I am just scared of going through this process of contacting you again if I get the same kind of device and something goes wrong.


Q: Why should you get a new one?

A: I'm not sure I understand you."


Then what did you mean by that statement? Did I misunderstand you?


Regards Fred

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I tested the device in the new apartment. It still does not work.





Hello khwarizmi,


We have not been notified of a move at the moment. When and where exactly did you move? Send me this gladly by PN. Otherwise the modem is unused since the last activation in November 2021 for 6 months.


Regards Fred

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Hello khwarizmi,


A provisioning order is usually created automatically via the relocation notification. If this is there, we can instruct the technician.


Regards Fred

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