am 03.07.2021 01:03 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 03.07.2021 07:42 von CommunityTeam
Hi, I have taken a new internet connection from mediamart. Initially I would like to say my installation is very much delayed. Also, as per my initial contract and discussion with person at mediamart, it was mentioned as free installation but unfortunately I am seeing installation charges in my first bill.
Could you please do the needful on it.
My customer number -
Billing account XXX
Amount to be paid. 62.2 euros
Thank you
Deephak Nadendla
Edit: Please do not distribute personal data on the Internet 😉
am 05.07.2021 00:59
Hi Vodafone Team,
Could you please look into this and update.
am 05.07.2021 11:34
Hi Nadendla,
this is a public custmer helps customer forum. Please do not post personal data here.
Yes. there is an activation fee of 49,99 Euro for our DSL contracts.
Please note that we cannot track verbal agreements here. In addition, credit notes are partially credited on the second invoice.
Wait for the second invoice and, if the credit does not appear there, contact the store where you concluded the contract,
am 08.07.2021 09:58
Thanks. could you also help if there is any issue charging my bank account for the first bill, I do not see it deducted yet.
am 08.07.2021 15:20
Hi Nadendla,
on your invoice you can see the date when we will deduct the fee from your bank account.
If the direct debit doesn't work, we'll try again after a few days. As long as we don't contact you, you don't have to do anything. Do not worry.