




Info regarding cancelling dsl internet contract before leaving Germany due to work contract over


I would need help to cancel my vodafone internet DSL contract and to know the process. I am using the Internet DSL services since Aug,2019. My work contract and visa is getting over on 18th Jul and is not getting further extended. So I need now to move back to my country permanently on 16th Jul. I will be doing de-registration in the coming few days. Kindly let me know the process for the same. My order id :  ***.

Customer number: ***


Thanks & Regards,

Sunil Rajput


Edit: order id and customer number deleted. Lars

5 Antworten 5

You report a move to your new address - and from the day that your move has been received by Vodafone, given that the adress is not servicable by Vodafone, a one month notice period starts where you still have to pay the monthly fee even if you are not able to receive the service anymore.


Handing in a copy of your deregistration notice later on will finish the process, but won't shorten the notice period.

Thanks for the reply . Can you further answer my queries below  :

1. I am moving out of Germany permanently on 16th July,2022 . When do I have to start the process of cancelling the contract depending on the time it can take .

2.  When do I have to return the router and to which address. Is there any deadline.

3.  As per your answer I still has to pay for next 1 month, if I cancel my contract this month. Is this correct.

4. If I cancel the contract next week , till what date I can use the services.


If you've started your contract in August 19 - and have not prolonged it, you can cancle with one month noticetime. Without any additonal proof.
You'll find the current contract terms / runtime / cancellation date on every bill.

I would suggest sending the cancellation today:
Vodafone GmbH - Kundenservice - Postfach 10 10 64 - 40839 Ratingen, Fax 0 18 10 - 7 00 11  

The adress for returning the router is part of the cancellation confirmation letter.
We need the router back within 14 days , after the contract has ended.
You can use the contract till the cancellation date, assuming 4 weeks time of notice - most likely till the 27th July.


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Thanks Andre. Can you please tell if there is any email id so that I can send the cancel confirmation by email or I can only send it by post to the address mentioned.


There is no direct Mailadress from our customerservice.
Only our Vodafone-Kontaktformular.  (which is basiclly the same & allows attachments). But its only in german.

Click patch should be:

1. Nein, ich habe eine Frage zu einem bestehenden Vertrag

2.Kundendaten & Vertrag -> Kündigung -> DSL
"Nein, weiter im Kontaktformular"
3. Then either login with your Mein Vodafone account (if you've added your dsl account there) or "weiter ohne Login" .


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