




Incorrect Bills from Riverty and Debt regiter court order

Dear Vodafone community,


please tell me my mistake? 

I received email that my DSL is closed and I have paid all the bills except 85 Euro, which I was about to pay but Riverty said I have to my close to 300 Euro because Vodafone has not received the money. When i asked to check with vodafone and confirmed back, they did not come back and now I have received court letter to pay 636,30 Euro and some additional fees. 


I do not mind paying for the missing payment but this is utter nonsense at one hand confirming on email that i just have to pay 85 euro and your debt agency threatening me with such letters. 


What is my mistake?





Anhänge aus Datenschutzgründen gelöscht 

9 Antworten 9

Dear Vodafone team,


Trust me I would love to pay needlessly, but not so much that i receive bill for some contract i did not sign nor I am using. Because in the end you give this Mahnung to Riverty and they are so lazy  and never listen. Please tell me if we should leave this country because of this torture. 


Can you help or not?  I have Aloepecia because of the stresslevel 




Anhang aus Datenschutzgründen gelöscht 

Seit 08/22 Ist ist dies ein reines Kunden helfen Kunden Forum. 

Du musst dich an die offiziellen Kontaktstellen wenden.


Is it possible to contact someone in english for quick resolution? using "german"as a tool to dupe customer is not a good strategy and on the top of that adding complexity to go on one webpage to another webpage , I came on this page because I am tiered of your phone call who torments with information in german of no help. 


i need resolution to my problem not added torture


If this is a customer help forum, then why dont you help me. You are just confusing me to avoid providing a solution. Is this your plan to make immigrants pay for their usage of your service?


This is a "customers help customers" forum!

And as such, nobody in here has any rights to have a look into your customer account or your invoices / contracts.


And also as a general remark:

Contractual language in Germany is solely German -- and as such only German support has to be granted if not explicitly mentioned otherwise in the contract (what no customer ISP does). So if you don't have the sufficient knowledge of German language, you will need a translator on your own expenses.

Why do you speak english while taking a customer or signing a contract and when the customer is bounded in a contract all english channels are shut down?

I can take translator at my own expense. but despite paying all the bills why am i receiving bills?

Why am I receiving bills for the connection I didn't subscribe too? what kind of duping strategy is this?

this is a customer to customer forum and there is no individual help from Vodafone representatives here

english support is available via WhatsApp

Thanks for this info.. can you please tell me the whatsapp number?

@fish040410  schrieb:

Thanks for this info.. can you please tell me the whatsapp number?

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