Cancelling DSL contract

Dear Vodafone, 


I would like to cancel my DSL contract, however both online tools provided give errors. I first tried the My Tariffs route and that gave me an error. I then tried the contact form and wasn't able to submit it because the form couldn't recognize that I had entered " Fixed line and DSL" for "Which product does your question relate to?", Leaving me at a deadend. 


I am canceling my DSL contract because I have moved apartment and my new apartment has internet set up in it already. 


Please help me cancel this contract. 

6 Antworten 6

Use the contact form in MeinVodafone. However, your contract will usually move with you when the service is available at your new place of residence. If you already have a new provider, this can be very expensive for you in an emergency, because Vodafone is then entitled to demand a compensation payment until the regular end of the contract. This is the basic fee to be paid minus the line rental at Telekom. This would then be required in one amount.
So better use the moving service in MeinVodafone and just report your move. If you are lucky and there is no longer a free DSL port, the contract will be terminated with a period of 3 months, otherwise you can continue to use it at your new place of residence.

Hi Torsten,

The issue I'm having is that when I try to use the contact form on MeinVodafone I get a message for the question 'Which product does your question relate to?'. The form will ask me to 'Please Check my Input' even though I've selected one of the options. There's no way for me to move forward. I've tried this on Google Chrome and Edge and get the same issue. 

Also my contract ends at the end of the month so I would like to prevent it from being extended. 


Have you added your contract to MeinVodafone? And is it even a DSL contract or do you have a TV cable internet contract? In which federal state are you?

I have a Red Internet und Phone 50 DSL contract and it appears on my MeinVodafone account. I am living in Berlin. 

If your contract ends at the end of the month and you have not yet given notice of cancellation, it has already been extended by 12 months. The notice period is 3 months at the end of the term.

However, it is strange that you cannot send your message using the contact form. Then only a mod can help. Either you wait for someone to contact you, which can take a few days, or you contact the social media support on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp.


Hey LiamRayman,


we'll be happy to take a closer look for you. Please send me a PN with the relevant customer number.


We will reply as soon as possible.


Kind regards


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