Internet has not working / US ranging even after 12 hours
Hello, Hessen 

The Internet has not worked since yesterday evening. I really tried everything.  😞

Cable checked, restarted so many times, and reset the router as well but Nothing works! 

Wifi lights up green and the arrows flash green on and off.    😞

Please help. I am IT professional and working from home and my son also having online schooling.

Best Regards,


1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi @Sonkar

I absolutely understand the annoyance, especially now many are dependent on the Internet.

At the beginning of the last week we had some large malfunctions which have been fixed, unfortunately there is another one at the Moment, it affects our customers with the ConnectBox. The Technology is working on the repair.

Because we can't see in the community in customer accounts I don't know if you have a ConnectBox. If you don't have one, please contact the customer Service so they can check why you are still having a Problem.

Here you can find our contact details:

Best Regards

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1 Antwort 1

Hi @Sonkar

I absolutely understand the annoyance, especially now many are dependent on the Internet.

At the beginning of the last week we had some large malfunctions which have been fixed, unfortunately there is another one at the Moment, it affects our customers with the ConnectBox. The Technology is working on the repair.

Because we can't see in the community in customer accounts I don't know if you have a ConnectBox. If you don't have one, please contact the customer Service so they can check why you are still having a Problem.

Here you can find our contact details:

Best Regards

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