am 05.06.2018 13:09 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 05.06.2018 13:37 von Tina
For several days I have tried to migrate my cable contract into the new MyVodafone. I get an error message every time telling me to try later. So now I instead created a new contract with my customer number. That seemed to work. So now I can log in and see my cable contract and its bills.
But when I try to add the mobile contract it says that something went wrong. How shall I proceed? Can you add my mobile contract (which consists of 3 SIM cards)?
Customer number is: ***
MyVodafone user id: ***
Edit: @Gosta personal data deleted.
am 25.06.2018 16:37
Hello, it's been 3 weeks now. I would very much appreciate a reply. Thanks.
am 27.06.2018 09:08
Hello Gosta,
well, normally it should work. Have you tried to empty cache/cookies and did you use another browser?
Also it might be possible that you put in the wrong customer password (it's not the internet password!).
Greetings Kai
am 27.06.2018 09:19
It is perfectly possible that I am entering the wrong password. But unless you can add it for me, could you please walk me through step by step how I can retreive/reset the password, and how to add the mobile contract, in case I am doing something wrong?
28.06.2018 10:42 - bearbeitet 28.06.2018 10:45
Hey Gosta,
when you are logged in with the first user, you go to "MeinVodafone", then you press the gear sign, now you have the possibility to add a contract (Vertrag hinzufügen). You choose "Mobilfunk", type your Mobile Number and then you need your Customer Password.
If this is not working I can check your Password, please send me a personal message with your numbers and your assumed password.
Greetings Kai
am 28.06.2018 11:35
Hello @Gosta,
thanks for your message, you need the right Kundenkennwort to login, please check your contract or change the password in a shop (you need your password).
Greetings Kai