How do add Mobile contract

For several days I have tried to migrate my cable contract into the new MyVodafone. I get an error message every time telling me to try later. So now I instead created a new contract with my customer number. That seemed to work. So now I can log in and see my cable contract and its bills. 

But when I try to add the mobile contract it says that something went wrong. How shall I proceed? Can you add my mobile contract (which consists of 3 SIM cards)?

Customer number is: ***

MyVodafone user id: ***


Edit: @Gosta personal data deleted.



5 Antworten 5

Hello, it's been 3 weeks now. I would very much appreciate a reply. Thanks.

Hello Gosta,


well, normally it should work. Have you tried to empty cache/cookies and did you use another browser?

Also it might be possible that you put in the wrong customer password (it's not the internet password!).Smiley (zwinkernd)


Greetings Kai


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It is perfectly possible that I am entering the wrong password. But unless you can add it for me, could you please walk me through step by step how I can retreive/reset the password, and how to add the mobile contract, in case I am doing something wrong?


Hey Gosta,


when you are logged in with the first user, you go to "MeinVodafone", then you press the gear sign, now you have the possibility to add a contract (Vertrag hinzufügen). You choose "Mobilfunk", type your Mobile Number and then you need your Customer Password.


If this is not working I can check your Password, please send me a personal message with your numbers and your assumed password.Smiley (zwinkernd)


Greetings Kai



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Hello @Gosta,


thanks for your message, you need the right Kundenkennwort to login, please check your contract or change the password in a shop (you need your password).


Greetings Kai

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