Hello, I ordered one year ago a contact with Vodafone during my time in Germany, then my internship finished and I needed to come back to my country (Brasil). I visited a store to ask information about contract cancellation and they said to me to send a letter to Vodafone with my letter from the city hall saying that I was not living in Germany anymore, so I did that, and after some days I received an confirmation about the cancellation, but they put that my cancellation would spend one year to finish... I am not in Germany anymore, I am not using the sym anymore and they are charging me normally... I don't want to have more link with Vodafone, because in Brasil I use another service... I already closed my bank account in Germany and they are not able to get my money from the bank account... How to finish this process? I don't want to pay for a service that I don't use anymore...

7 Antworten 7
I started my contract 04th August and I left the country 29th June, I sent the letter 2 weeks before I left because I just could cancel my register in the city some days before leaving... I need help to cancel this contract!

Hi @alevatorenata1,

the most contracts (mobile phone, DSL etc) have a duration at least of 2 years. So the confirmation of the date of your cancellation is correct.

Maybe you would have should buy a prepaid card and not a long-term contract.

Sorry to tell, but there is no right to premature cancel a mobile contract.

You are still able to use the SIM even in Brasil for the contractual agreed (roaming) fees.


I agree to @Mav1976 that it would have been better for you not to sign a long-term contract but instead get a prepaid SIM as you knew the fact of going back last year...

But I asked in the store and the sales guy told me when the reason is moving to another country, they can cancel if I prove that I left the country and it was what I did...
How can I contact someone that work in Vodafone? They don't have email or something, and if I call from my country is very expensive... Should have a way to cancel, because when I signed the contract the guy in the store told me that would be possible, else I would never sign this contract ..

Hi alevatorenata1,


or you send me personal message with the telephone-number, the password and the link of this thread here.


But please choose only one contact channel because a double prosessing is not effective.





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