am 11.09.2019 16:07
Ich muss meinen Vertrag kündigen. Ich will nur wissen, wie ich das machen kann.
Ich habe die Sim-Karte vor 3 Tagen bestellt.
am 11.09.2019 16:22
möchtest du kündigen (Vertragsende in 24 Monaten) oder widerrufen (kaufmännische Rückabwicklung des Vertrags)
Das ist wichtig
Wenn du widerrufen willst, findest du alle Informationen hier:
am 11.09.2019 16:24
I want to cancel the contract. I bought pre-paid one, and I don't need it.
can you help me ?
am 11.09.2019 19:34
Hi @hosna,
Did you get a SIM-card with a CallYa tariff and where did you buy it?
What CallYa tariff did you buy?
am 12.09.2019 10:22
Hi hosna,
did you make / sign a contract or buy a prepaid card (CallYa-Karte)?
am 12.09.2019 10:26
am 13.09.2019 13:08
Hi hosna,
if you signed a post-paid contract in a store, there is no right of withdrawal. In that case, only a termination after 24 months is possible. The only thing you can do is to ask the coworker in the shop for a withdrawal.