am 28.02.2020 22:04 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 29.02.2020 09:27 von Mav1976
I ordered the dsl connection and got a cable router box but then i canceled the contract and requested a new constract so got another WLAN router. I tried many times the help line but that is in german and could not understand and then i also sent an email to ask how to send the first WLAN router but did not get any response. The help line is not much helping. I did not opened the box due to the fact that if i open it i could not return it. but when i got my first bill the price for the router was also added and money was directly deducted from my account using direct debit. I asked my friend and he told me that the return paper is in the box so i opened the box and returned the router back through DHL and also cancelled the direct debit amount.
Now, i dont know what will happen.
Can some one tell me what will be the next? will i get the next bill with the actual internet fee of this month? is cancelling the direct debit is okay?
*** @ARaza, thread moved from Gewinnspiele to cable forum. ***
am 02.03.2020 16:44
Hello Araza,
cancelling a direct debit is generally not a good idea. The fee for the cable router are not automatically refunded. an employee must do this.
For a closer look send me the following informations in a private message:
full name
date of birth
customer number
Write a short reply here afterwards.
Best regards