am 23.12.2020 15:39
Hi. I got a contract for internet from the end of November 2020. I got the plan 50 Mbit/s.
Back then, I request counsel in English because I had questions about the tariffs I had to pay. I asked about Bereitstellungsentgelt to the person who was helping me, and he said I didn't need to pay that, I even asked what that charge was and he said I didn't need to worry because I didn't need to pay that.
So, two days ago the money from my first bill was debited from my account and the amount for Bereitstellung (68,23 €) was also debited. I want to know why this person told me I didn't need to pay for that when I was requesting the service, but now after all I had to pay for it.
I hope someone can help me clarify this. Thank you
am 23.12.2020 17:31
The "Bereitstellungsentgelt" is the initial one-time payment for the installation and setup of the line.
Anyhow I don't know if there have been any promotions where you didn't have to pay this fee or where the seller had rights to reimburse you this fee (which should then have been a separate written note on the initial contract).
But things that only have been said - and not been written down - are not part of the contract - thus it might be that you still have to pay this fee.
am 23.12.2020 20:34
Hi! Thanks for your answer. You're right, my mistake was that I didn't request a written confirmation of the information the guy gave in this regard, I just took his "word". But also in my case, they didn't set up or install anything, they only sent the modem, and I installed it myself.
What I don't like about this is that the person who assisted me told me, not only once, that I didn't need to pay that fee, so now I feel like he just didn't want to deal with me because I asked for support in English and he just wanted to sell a plan.
To be sincere, I feel disappointed. Of course, I would understand if he would have told me that I had to pay that from the beginning, but he lied. That's what I don't like and I don't know who to complain to about this.
am 23.12.2020 20:41
Just to clarify:
This setup fee does not mean that there is necessarily a person coming to you. It also includes all the administrative work needed to create your contract (e.g. creating a customer profile, creating the contract, assigning phone numbers, assigning a router to the contract, handling & shipping from the router) - but also the costs for the technician in case you'd need one to set the line up initially.
But as I said - I'm not 100% sure if there has been some kind of promotion where you wouldn't have to pay those set up fees - as there sometimes are. But it could also be that such reimbursement is bound to special conditions...
am 24.12.2020 08:55
Hi Jessica26,
the provisioning fee is charged for all our rates. There is certainly also the possibility of not doing this, but then this is also recorded in the order confirmation. Is there a credit note for the lump sum in the confirmation?