am 25.02.2020 19:08
I'm wondering why my Direct Debit invoices for TV and Internet/Phone haven't been taken from my Bank Account.
Got the TV Invoice on the 3rd, usually taken on the 5th, same for Internet, invoice on the 18th, usually taken on the 20th, but so far, nothing.
I got in touch with N26 to see whether Vodafone tried to actually charged the invoices, and there are no attempts to take the money, booked for the future, nor payments bounced back.
So what's the deal? The IBAN number is the right one for sure.
Twitter support doesn't really know.
am 26.02.2020 09:42
Hello Leonpanda,
in your customer portal you can check whether the bank details are stored and if so, whether they are correct. If this is the case, it will surely only take a little while before the amount is debited. Billing is not the same as booking day. As soon as variable charges such as invoiced telephone calls are added, the debit is delayed so that the customer's invoice can be checked.
am 26.02.2020 09:54
I understand, but usually there's no almost 20 day delay from to invoice to the actual charge.
Like I said, TV gets the invoice on the 3rd, charged on the 5th.... 2days, which is fine.
My only concern is, Vodafone will suspend my service for unpaid invoices. 😕
am 26.02.2020 11:15
Have you checked in the customer portal whether the bank details are stored and correct?
am 26.02.2020 11:16
They are.
And Also, the from Jan Backwards been using the same (Since I got the service back in 2018).
am 26.02.2020 13:09
Then please wait a few more days. We cannot influence the system in this regard, it runs automatically.