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Contract extended for 1 more year despite receiving a cancellation confirmation



I am an "UNFORTUNATE" Vodafone customer for the last 5 years. I am making an attempt to cancel my contract since the last 3 years and get a suitable contract to match my current requirements but in vain, not going to the details here. 


Finally in the 3rd year of my attempt , On 13.10.2018 i received a  cancellation confirmation that my contract will be cancelled in March 2019. I went to a Vodafone counter, in Saturn - Berlin in Alexnder platz to get a new Vodafone contract that suits my needs as my contract will end in March 2019 as per the termination confirmation.  To my surpise i learned the following:


1) My contract has been extented to March 2020

2) I have 2 contracts on my name since March 2018. How did i end up having two contracts? Here are the contract numbers: *** and ***


Everytime i call Vodafone i unfortunately end-up with a customer service rep who does not speak English. PLEASE HELP with my following requests:


1) Cancel my "EXPENSIVE" vodafone contract which i have since 2014 and offer me a better one that suits my need

2) Cancel my second mysterious Vodafone connection and stop charging me for that


My customer ID: ***




Edit: @Sundeep  personal Data removed

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello Sundeep,


yes, I can confirm that. Your contract will be cancelled on 25.03.2019.


Best regards





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12 Antworten 12

Hello Sundeep,


I'd love to take a good look at your contract. How did you originally want to change your contract or what should be included? Please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address by private message and then register again here in the article.


Best regards


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Hello Sundeep,


please send me your date of birth and your address by private message.


Best regards


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Hello Nancy,


I have provided all the information you have asked in Private Message. Waiting for your reply.





Hello Sundeep,


I have looked at your contracts and the notice to the 25.03.2019 is stopped, as you were also confirmed.


It is only possible to continue both contracts separately. Let me know if you want this.


Best regards


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I need only "ONE" contract.  Can you confirm if my contract which started in March, 2014 will be terminated on March 25, 2019?



Hello Sundeep,


yes, I can confirm that. Your contract will be cancelled on 25.03.2019.


Best regards





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Thanks Nancy ! Appreciate your support to terminate my expensive contract from 2014 finally.  I will ship the Smartcard, Digital-recorder and WLAN-Kabelrouter back to Vodafone in the next couple of weeks. My point 1 from my original question is solved.



The point 2 from my original question above is about the duplicate contract which i was issued and charged for the last 1 year since March 2018. I have shared the cusomter ID for this duplicate contract in private message. What happens to this contract after March 25, 2019? Will this contract continue or should i ship the router back to Vodafone even for this contract. Could you please clarify.






Hello Sundeep,


Your contracts are now all cancelled and there are no monthly costs until the cancellation date. All you have to do now is return your equipment. Please send them to the following address:


Vodafone Kabel Deutschland GmbH

c/o DHL Paket

Am Tower 222

90475 Nürnberg


Do you have any questions?


Best regards




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