am 21.03.2019 17:41 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 21.03.2019 17:51 von Jojo111
Currently my internet plan is Red Internet & Phone 400 Cable and I was told that within the first year of my contract (which started at 15th of May 2018), I could downgrade my tariff. I would like to switch to Red Internet & Phone 200 Cable.
Could you please help me about this?
Thanks a lot.
Verschoben aus "Gewinnspiele / Moved from "sweepstakes" !
am 21.03.2019 20:06
Hi @zfe ,
the tariff change is possible at the first day of the 2. year. From 15.05,2019 on you can find the option in your account and change by yourself or here (with help of a Mod) or by calling the hotline.
best regards
am 25.03.2019 14:31
Hi zfe,
have you been able to accomplish anything with the clues?
am 06.04.2019 21:02
I recently took vodafone kabel connection(1000Mbps plan) from Saturn.
I was told that i can take the fastest plan (for example 1000 Mbps plan) since its 19.99 euro per month for first 1 year. And after 1 year i can switch to the cheapest plan (for example 50Mbps plan) and from the 13th month on-wards i pay 29.99 euro per month.
So i just wanted confirm below questions:
Thank you,
Best Regards,
am 08.04.2019 11:46
Hello Hariprasad,
check your order confirmation to see if you have the option to switch to a smaller tariff after one year. If you have the exchange guarantee in your contract, you can switch to one of the tariffs listed in the order confirmation at the end of the first year. But you've apparently just booked the contract, haven't you? It doesn't make sense to make a note of the change now.
For the low bandwidth request, you need to create a new post so the right person can deal with it. This request here is a commercial one, the impairments a technical one.