am 28.04.2020 19:09
I received 3 charges in April on 03/04, 08/04 and 15/04. None of these charges match the Rechnung. Could you please look into that?
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 08.05.2020 16:30
Hello ilya,
I will send you the invoice separately by e-mail.
Best regards
29.04.2020 10:40 - bearbeitet 29.04.2020 10:43
Hello ilya_,
I have checked and we have booked the invoice for Internet & Phone for March at the beginning of April. Unfortunately this booking went back and we tried again. The last debit is for the April invoice.
Best regards
am 03.05.2020 16:41
Could you please refund charges for 10/03, 15/04 and 08/04 or send Rechnungen for them?
04.05.2020 21:12 - bearbeitet 07.05.2020 14:33
Hello ilya_,
we cannot refund your costs. You have a contract with us. Can you please explain why you want us to refund your fees?
Best regards
am 06.05.2020 15:12
There are 3 charges on 10/03, 08/04 and 15/04 that I did not receive a bill for and I do not know what those charges are for. If those charges are correct, then please send me a bill for them. If they were made by mistake, then please refund them.
am 07.05.2020 14:35
Hello ilya_,
since the beginning of the contract we provide you with the invoice in your customer portal.
Best regards
am 08.05.2020 14:57
Invoices for those charges are missing from customer portal.
am 08.05.2020 16:30
Hello ilya,
I will send you the invoice separately by e-mail.
Best regards