am 21.11.2019 18:09
I would like to connect some of my devices to 5GHz WLAN. I have switched on the 'Split SSID' option on my EasyBox, but I was expecting to see two separate WLAN broadcasts, one with "MYSSIDxxx 2.4GHz" and the other like "MYSSIDxxx 5GHz" - and this has not happened. I have even tried renaming the 5GHz broadcast with a different SSID name, but it does not show on the list of available networks. I would like to keep 2.4GHz and 5GHz because not all my devices have 5GHz capability.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 22.11.2019 06:48
I discovered the answer to this question myself, each frequency must have a different name, the EasyBox does not automatically label the 2.4GHz and 5Ghz frequencies if both signals have the same name.
am 22.11.2019 06:48
I discovered the answer to this question myself, each frequency must have a different name, the EasyBox does not automatically label the 2.4GHz and 5Ghz frequencies if both signals have the same name.
am 22.11.2019 10:57
Hi HelloMrJames,
you marked your thread as solved so I close here.