2 months ago I signed a contract of internet/telephone with Unitymedia, with one of those representatives that knocks on your door from time to time. He told me afterwards that Unitymedia would contact me to approve the offer (which they did) and they would cancel my contract with Vodafone in a period of 4 weeks without charges from any of the parts (which they didn't do).
Well, I received a letter from Unitymedia saying I should provide them a proof that I canceled my contract with Vodafone, since I can't have 2 active contracts, otherwise I would have to pay for the 3 free months I received when signing the contract with them. I tried contacting the representative to solve this issue and he is not receiving my messages, so or he blocked me or he changed his phone number (because I was talking to him a month ago using this same number). From that I can conclude that or the representative is a liar and should pay for that, or Unitymedia is not doing it's job right.
I hope someone from the community can help me out with this issue, since I can't speak proper German.