am 21.10.2021 18:40
am 21.10.2021 18:49
..and I'm without any beer. Due to missing Information there won't be much support.
Try to call the Hotline.
Userban wg. wiederholter Missachtung der Forenregeln. Gruß, das Mod-Team
am 24.10.2021 21:37
Dear Catap,
I am as well living in Berlin, 14195. Having no Internet and no TV since the morning of 21.10. Via Hotline I have been informed that there is an issue since 1.10. Also, I was informed that they have no idea when the issue will be fixed. Better prepare for not having internet for an extensive period.
am 25.10.2021 15:39
Hello catap,
i agree, you posted zero information. The only thing we know is that you don’t have the Internet. That’s not enough to help. So if you want help, we need more info.
am 25.10.2021 15:58
@Grit, thanks to make it clear.
Zero information was because I've used Safari's automatical translation to english, and seems that forum uses german name for text area field, which was also transalted => my message was discarded without any issues. I feel that it is another bug 😉 At least forum should prevent from posting zero body posts. Or I thinkg so.
Regarding the issue:
- I've noticed it at thursday at morning, and started to be worry to the end of the day;
- I've already contacted someone via phone (he speeks English!) and he opened a ticket with ID 003-0797579/21
Yes, I'm living in 14195 and I had Ripe Atlas' probe 100% connected via vodafone: at least connection is quite unstable:
If it required I can attack deeper connection history from atlas.
am 25.10.2021 16:00
Thus, it might happened much yearly and I haven't noticed it because reserved uplink from home (LTE) had some traffic, and I've discovered that Vodafone is down because I've consumed all traffic from LTE uplink 🙂
am 29.10.2021 15:02
Hi catap,
I would like to take a look at your connection. Send me your customer data (name, address, customer number, birthday, current phone number) in a private message and then let me know here that you have sent the data.
am 29.10.2021 15:28
@Wallace I've sent a message
am 02.11.2021 20:57
Hello catap,
the connection on the modem is bad. We have informed the field service about it again, so that the existing order is executed on site. Colleagues will get back to you to make an appointment.
Best regards Fred
am 02.11.2021 20:59
@ERFD thanks!