- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Ich habe jetzt seit einem Monat ein Vodafone-Heimkabel-Internet, und die ersten zwei Wochen hat alles funktioniert, aber jetzt habe ich jeden Tag Verbindungsprobleme. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, daher fällt es mir schwer, mit einem Callcenter zu sprechen.
Ich habe zwei Arten von Problemen:
1. Jeden Tag habe ich Verbindungsabbrüche und ich sehe, dass die weiße Internet-LED blinkt. Es kann 30 Minuten dauern und verschwindet normalerweise nach dem Neustart eines Routers. Ich denke es ist ein Routerproblem, kann ich es umtauschen?
2. Manchmal habe ich überhaupt kein Internet (wie jetzt). Das weiße Internetlicht blinkt, aber es ändert sich nie. Ich hatte das gleiche Problem am 14. Juli und hatte damals 5 Stunden lang kein Internet.
Hier meine Informationen:
Wohnadresse: ***
Kundennummer: ***
Edit @vladsaminin persönliche Daten entfernt.
am 04.08.2022 16:33
unfortunately, we also do not know what the wiring in the houses is like, since it does not belong to us. We can only guarantee the supply up to the transfer point in the basement.
am 05.08.2022 11:20
And, again, I had a PERFECT connection for 2 weeks with the same wiring! Why did it stop working with the same wiring?
And also it's a Vodafone job to provide internet to the apartment. The house is not belonged to me also.
So, what should I do now? Am I trapped to pay money and not to have internet for 2 years of my contract? Is it legal overall?
am 05.08.2022 11:22
I didn't have any internet for 7 days now. I hope you're all laughing at me and my situation - @Wallace , @ERFD , @pRo-Marco
am 05.08.2022 14:31
we can try to make a switch to DSL and for that I would organize a consultation for you. Do you agree with that?
am 05.08.2022 14:55
Hi, @Wallace ,
as I wrote before I already asked for the DSL connection, but the technical appointment was made on almost month ahead!
Now I'm completely stuck without internet, pay for the air, waiting for the Vodafone visit on August 15...
Do you know if I will be able to cancel the contract with Vodafone if DSL connection is the same fail as coaxial internet?
am 05.08.2022 16:25
The details would be clarified with you by the corresponding colleagues. I only need your consent for the consultation.
am 06.08.2022 08:25
You have my consent, @Wallace
am 08.08.2022 15:28
ill pass that to my colleagues, they will contact you probably 🙂
am 14.08.2022 18:57
Hey, @Tobias
When you said they would call me - you meant this year or next year?
Cause guess what - nobody fаcking contacted me. Was your message some prank? You can laugh now.
Meanwhile I don't have internet for a MONTH, but pay for it.
Tell me @Tobias , is it funny? Do I make you laugh because of my problem? It's important for me to know - is it funny for you to get money from fools like me?
am 15.08.2022 09:35
Guess what, @Tobias , @Wallace , @ERFD , @pRo-Marco - I got an email today finally, that technician will come to install DSL. Guess the date - September 6.
IS THIS SOME FUСKING JOKE ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I DON'T HAVE YOUR FUСKING INTERNET FROM JUNE 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***ING JUNE 28!!!!!!
AND TECHNICIAN WILL COME SEPTEMBER 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEPTEMBER FUСKING 6!!!!!!!!!!!!