am 29.11.2024 11:06
I made a tariff change that I would like to cancel. I have callya digital and have not been able to reach any support or figure out how to cancel this change, even though it was stated that the change may be canceled within 14 days. Does anyone know the best way to actually get a hold of someone from support to help me with this?
Thank you!
am 29.11.2024 11:58
The support for CallYa Digital is only available through the specified online methods - one of them is WhatsApp.
And the Withdrawal period of 14 days usually is excluded once you start using the the "new" contract - this change is final and cannot be revised. You may anyhow switch back to the regular CallYa plans, but you won't get any kind of reimbursement for the time that CallYa Digital was active.