Cancel mobile phone contract when moving abroad

Hello everyone,

I hope it is okay to write in English as my German isn't very good!


When I arrived to Germany a few years ago I went to a Vodafone shop in Berlin where they promised that I'd be able to cancel my contract at anytime if I'm officially leaving the country.

I'm moving out of Germany this week and would like to cancel my mobile phone contract. I have all the official necessary paperwork but can't find any information on how to solve this online.

Is there an official email or address where I can send everything and get a confirmation?


Thanks a lot for your help!

1 Antwort 1

Hello Jongo,


where are you moving to?


You can reach us by e-mail here:


You are also welcome to contact us via WhatsApp. Under the phone-number 01721217212 .


Best regards



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