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am 04.09.2022 16:12
I entered into a contract with Vodafone, and they changed it after my 14 day grace period was over without my permission. This is illegal. They make a huge circus about me agreeing to the services and price, but then have raised the price 20€ per month, because their incompetent sales team sold me something that I was not qualified for.
I know that some of my friends have had similar situations. Vodafone cannot provide them service at their new home, but they are forced to pay for services they cannot use. I am contacting my AdvoCard and my lawyer. Is there any way to make this corporation sober up and stop treating their customers like refuse?
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am 04.09.2022 16:24
If you opted for a service that you were not eligble to receive, then it's not Vodafones fault...
And I doubt a lawyer will help you in that case - especially if the terms clearly state that you are not eglible for that offer and/or require you to hand in additional documentation within a given timeframe.
This especially is valid for Young tariff plans - once you pass the 28th birthday, you are not eglible anymore and you will be charged an additional fee - but this is stated in the tariff plan details.