




Charged for gigacube (gigaflex ca. 2017) without using it

hello. hopefully this is the correct place for such a question.


when i moved into my current apartment, i was given a wrong advice by a vodafone store, and in the 2 months to fix the problem, the store gave me a gratis Gigacube (gigaflex in the Rechnung). i didnt want this extra device, but they told me i would be charged only in the months that i used the device, and not in the months i didn't. this sounds fine to me, so i use it for two months and i stop when the kabel is connected (october 2017)


2 years later, i have a problem with the kabel, so while waiting for a techniker, i used it for another two months (october 2019).


i have just noticed in my bank account this month, that i have TWO monthly charges from vodafone - my Mandat for the kabel connection (this is fine), and a Mandat for... the gigacube?! i havent used this device in two years. it has been charging me for usage per month for TWO YEARS.


can someone help me rectify this as soon as possible? in the first time period that i did not use the cube, i was not charged, so there has been a contract change that i did not agree to, or a computer error somewhere. this should not be charged.


additional info: i was never advised to return a device or cancel a contract. the manager at the store assured me that i owned the device and that i would only pay for what i use on a monthly basis.


many thanks and sorry for english.

4 Antworten 4

Hi neilltim,


thank you for your contribution here.


What have you already done about the matter?


Have you already contacted us, for example via WhatsApp on 0172 1217212 via Messenger or as a text message?


Best regards



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hi HeikeF,

thanks for the reply.


no, i would never contact via a whatsapp phone number that i dont recognise and i dont have messenger.

this forum post is my first contact. i cannot explain my problem well enough over the traditional phone support.



A more urgent reply or advice would be appreciated, as it is fast approaching the next billing cycle, which means VF is about to help themselves to my bank account again.


Hello neilltim,


please send us a PN with your phone number, the customer password and the link to your contribution here.


Best regards



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