Vodafone CableMax1000 Termnation

Hello Team, 


I currently have a contract of Vodafone CableMax1000 which is due (earliest termination) next 3rd March 2022. 

What shall I do to request termination of that contract? What are the steps?

On my personal page in MeinVodafone I can only see the duration but cannot perform any activity which matters the termination of the contract. 


Please advise what are the steps and also where to send the VodafoneStation hardware once the contract is closed. 

5 Antworten 5

Take a look at this page, everything is described there: https://www.vodafone.de/hilfe/kuendigung.html
Remember, however, that the CableMax 1000 promotional tariff will not get any more expensive even after the minimum contract period, it will remain at € 39.99 per month.



Thanks for replying back. 

Since the contract will be due on March as per screenshot, what is the best time to provide the notice period to have it terminated in time, without any additional cost or any annual renewal?

The law has changed in this regard. Since 01.12.2021, you can terminate any internet or mobile contract that has reached the minimum contract period at any time with a notice period of one month. The day of the month is no longer relevant. So, for example, if you cancel on 14.04.2022, the contract will be terminated on 14.05.2022. If the termination date falls on a sunday or public holiday, the termination will not be executed until the next working day.

Many thanks for this clarification. So assuming my contract specifically, which will due, the minimum duration, on 3rd of March, I can notify Vodafone already in February. 

What I am trying to do, is to avoid to get it cancelled during the minimum duration of 24 months to avoid paying any extra charges. To be on the safe side, I might also notify the day after the 3rd of March, so that I will be sure the 24 months are passed already. 


Would that work?

Since your contract has not yet reached the minimum contract period, the cancellation period that was valid when the contract was concluded currently applies. By the way, the new law also says that all relevant information regarding the contract term and notice period must be provided on the bill. You can simply go to your customer center and look at your last bill to see what your current notice period is.