Static IPv4 - how to activate?



I have a contract CableMax 1000.

For use of the SmartDNS feature on NordVPN, I need to have a static IPv4 address. Is it possible to set this up somehow? Currently I see this in the router settings:


Thank you


1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

@antonkoh  schrieb:

Does it imply different tariffs and prices or everything remains the same?

Yes, you need to switch to a Business tariff plan - which means approx. 80 € per month for the 1 GBit/s line.

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3 Antworten 3

for a static IP change your contact into business 

@RobertP how can I do that? (Couldn't find this in the app)

Does it imply different tariffs and prices or everything remains the same?

@antonkoh  schrieb:

Does it imply different tariffs and prices or everything remains the same?

Yes, you need to switch to a Business tariff plan - which means approx. 80 € per month for the 1 GBit/s line.