am 22.05.2022 14:35
Auch unsere Postanschrift hat sich in den letzten Monaten geändert, als wir in eine neue Wohnung gezogen sind, und wir haben den Vodafone-Shop besucht und unsere neue Einwohnerkarte mit der neuen Adresse gezeigt, und es wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass sich unsere Adresse geändert hat, aber als wir bemerkten, dass im Konto immer noch die alte Adresse angezeigt wird, lassen Sie es mich wissen wie können Sie die Adresse sofort ändern
Also our postal address is changed past many months we moved to new apartment,and we visited vodafone shop and shown our new resident card with new address and were told our address is changed,but noticing in account still shown old adress,let me know how can you change address immediately
shop and shown our new resident card with new address and were told our address is changed,but noticing in account still shown old adress,let me know how can you change address immediately
am 22.05.2022 20:02
congratulations on your new home. Unfortunately we can not just change the postal address. The whole connection has to move with you. That's why we have our relocation service, which you must use.
I also see that you are reporting a fault. Unfortunately, this cannot be processed at the moment, as you have not yet reported a move and the connection is therefore not running at the current address, but at the old one. You will have to wait for the move to take place.