Vodafone station

My vodafone station frequently loose connection with wifi. I have to restart it again and then it works but this i have to do number of times in a day . Doem last 2 days its happening in every 30 min. 

2 Antworten 2

Hello WlIAN-2023,


we no longer offer individual support via the forum.

But we are happy to help you. For this we need personal information from you.


Network wizard: https://vod.af/DerNetzAssistentHilft1


Please contact us via one of the following channels:


Facebook service page at www.facebook.com/vodafoneDEservice

Twitter service page at www.vod.af/vfservice

Or via WhatsApp chat at 0172 2000 229


Thank you.

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@WlAN-2023  schrieb:

My vodafone station frequently loose connection with wifi. I have to restart it again and then it works but this i have to do number of times in a day . Doem last 2 days its happening in every 30 min. 


do you only lose WIFI or also LAN connection?
Maybe you have the same problem as i have.
I had a heat problem and the fast solution was to put my Router on a Laptopcooler, so air can flow trough the router.