am 07.10.2024 19:32
Hello! I'm writing here because I, unfortunately, don't speak any German and cannot call the hotline
I have received a Vodafone cable router along with a multimedia socket adapter. My cable socket has 2 connections. But the adapter doesn't fit my socket because the distance between connections in my socket is smaller than the distance between respective plugs in the adapte just like on the image attached. Can anyone please help me with this? I would really appreciate any help here
am 07.10.2024 19:35
Ruf den technischen Support an, und melde Selfinstall fehlgeschlagen! Hier bist du nur in einem Kunden helfen Kunden Forum!
am 07.10.2024 22:19
There is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via WhatsApp
The forum is now just a customer helping customer forum.
Best regards Kurt