Contract order and detail change

Hello Vodafone, 
I'm sorry for writing this in English. I live in Germany and have yet to learn German however. This is my first time setting up an internet contract with Vodafone.


I made an order for an internet tariff on Verivox on June 29th, it is still being processed as of today July 5th. There was someone called me after 2 days but unfortunately I don't speak German and the support couldn't speak English. I would like to know the current status of my order. 

Additionally, I forgot to add a modem/router device during my order on Verivox, I would like a Vodafone station shipped to my address in case my order is accepted, is this possible? (My apartment allows DSL connection) 
Thank you! 

5 Antworten 5

Hello @Hieu1 


our support is also available in English via WhatsApp. However, you may have to contact Verivox sooner, as the Vodafone station is part of the new contract.


Kind regards

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I contacted Verivox but Vodafone already shipped me only an adapter. I’m not sure what to do with it. 
I already have the socket in the wall.

Thank you!

If you don't need the adapter, you can put it away. This is usually supplied.

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Thank you! 
So who should I contact to get the Vodafone station? 
Do I need to cancel the contract and get a new one? 
I forgot to order this and I already contacted Verivox but no one answered. Please help me! 

Ask via WhatsApp whether this is still possible.

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