Unbearable connection quality (cable)
  • In welchem Bundesland wohnst Du? Berlin
  • Welches Produkt hast Du? (z.B. Internet + Telefon 100) Red Internet & Phone 250 Cable
  • Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? (z.B. Hitron) Fritzbox 6490 Cable
  • Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigene Hardware? Own hardware, but tested the lease device with same results
  • Welches Telefon benutzt Du? (z.B. Panasonic) Not applicable
  • Welcher Fehler tritt auf? (kein Freiton, Ausfall; Gesprächsabbruch; Nebengeräusche etc.) Several connection disruptions throughout the day, when the connection is working it is unbearably slow and unstable.
  • Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung (z.B: seit Anfang April; nur am Abend) Connection disruptions happen in the morning around 10h-12h, also usually at 15h sharp. During the night 22h-00h the connection is normally extremely slow (10000ms latency, 1-2 Mbits download, 2-3 upload) This is happening since December 2020.
  • Wie ist das Telefon mit dem Modem/ Router verbunden? (Analog, DECT, ISDN) Not applicable
  • Welche Maßnahmen wurden durch die Störungshotline (erreichbar unter 0800-5266625) durchgeführt? All the tests were conducted using a laptop connected via a CAT5 ethernet cable to the router directly, the lease device was also used to conduct these tests with the same result. I reset both routers to factory defaults, I disconnected and connected uncountable times.With the current situation and working from home, the quality of the connection is just unacceptable, it is impossible to have work calls like this, as when there is connection, it is so unstable that it is impossible to hear anybody or share a simple screen.

Everybody who has Cable with VF in my area and generally in Berlin have this issues, so this seems to be a problem from VF side. I have very time critical tasks to do when working and I can't afford random cuts or just the quality of the connection. The quality of the service is just subpar and you are not able to deliver a proper connection, I am not talking about speed, just stability. I would like to exercise my right to cancel the contract early due to this ongoing problems that you seem unable to fix.


Please let me know how can we proceed?


Thanks in advance.


6 Antworten 6

I'm just updating the post with the current speed tests done just right now. Connected by ethernet. (check the attached screenshot)




I would be happy to take a look at your connection. Send me your customer data (name, address, customer number, birthday) in a private message and then let me know here that you have sent the data.




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@Wallace just sent you the data in PM


Hello i82orbom,


please connect the loan device so we can check the line. Also send a speedtest you made on the LAN1 port of the cable router.


Kind regards,


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Hi, the loan device is connected.


Also please find here attached the results of the speed tests I made.


Hello i82orbom,


regarding the Download there is a high utilisation and a fault report ***696/21 that was attached to an expansion plan. For the Upload there is often a problem with the return path that results in a high upstream utilisation and a lower Upload speed. I made another task ***609/21 for that.


Kind regards,


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