am 01.10.2018 18:19
I signed up for a mobile account with vodafone while living in Hamburg, Germany.
We then moved to the USA 31May2018.
When I cancelled and showed the abmeldung from Hamburg, I was told all was done since I was moving to a country with no vodafone service option--the account would be closed, the billing would end, no early termination fees, etc.
However, I continue to be billed and my account status says that I will continue to be billed through 31Oct2019.
I am now receiving notices from my HASPA account that I have outstanding bills.
I'm having a hard time reaching anyone to help me manage my account since I only have US phone lines from which to call, in addition to the language barrier and the 6hr time difference.
am 02.10.2018 11:17
Hey @drwood_sc,
mobile contracts will not be closed when leaving the country.
You agreed to a 24 month period and this will have to be fulfilled.
I can surely check if there is already a cancelation request noticed.
Please send me your phone number and customer password via PN.