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am 01.03.2019 23:24
seit paar Monaten (ca 5-6) habe ich Probleme mit Internet: sehr langsame Internetgeschwindigkeit.
Ich habe Red Internet & Phone 200 Cable aber wann ich mit Speedtest testen ich kriege ca. 90 MB Download und was ist wichtig und seltsam 0,03 MB Upload! Und das ab paar monaten. Ich habe viell mal (5-6) diese situation bei Vodafone Technischer Hotline gemelded und Ich bekam jedes Mal die Antwort dass im mein Gebiet is ein Störung wegen umbau und ich muss warten. We lange? 1 Jahr? Oder mehr? Ich bin Geduld aber dass dauert zu lang. Meine frage ist ob Ich kann in diesen fall Sonderkündigung machen?
Oder viellicht ist ein lösung?
Sorry für Sprachfehler.
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am 02.03.2019 13:01
Maybe my prevois post written in German was not clear (I'm still learning). I saw that may people writing in English so maybe I will explain this again in English:
I signed a contract with Vodafone at September 2018 with 200Mb option. For 1-2 Months internet speed was acceptable (Not always 200Mb but was close and UP was around 5-10Mb). But since November I'm facing big problems with Upload speed: it's ONLY 0,03 Mb! So it's makes my internet not usable to browse internet, send emails or work with VPN. I reported this issue many times (5-6 times) on Vodafone Technical Support and each time I just got answer that in area of Augsburg there is problem because of Main Train Station rebuild and I have to wait. But I'm waiting since 5 months! Thats to long. Only 'solution' I got was that Vodafone will give me discount of my monthly bill. Thats not solution which I can accept. I went to the store where I signed a contract and they adiviced me to break a contract (Sonderkündigung). Honestly I don't want to do that but looks like Vodafone can't provide a solution of this problem. I'm using my old internet which is already going to end of contract in May so I need to have full working internet connection till this time.
Is there any chance to get solution soon? If yes when exactly? I just want to notice that my neighbours in other haus on same street don't have such a problem with Upload. Maybe there is any problem in my in-house internet equipment?
Please give me advice what to do.
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am 05.03.2019 08:21
Hi Luqiss,
you first post was was very easy to understand, don't worry. Unfortunately, we are a little late in answering.
We can take a look at the whole thing for you. Please send me a private message with the following information:
your name
your address
date of birth
your customer number
the link of this thread
Please reply here when you have sent the private message.
PS: we can continue in German. Practice makes perfect.
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am 05.03.2019 10:27
I've send PM.
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am 06.03.2019 15:30
Hello, Luqiss,
In your connection area, there is an increased load on the line and thus to the malfunctions described by you.
My colleagues are already relieving the strain on the line.
The work should be completed in the 2nd quarter.
Best regards
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am 06.03.2019 17:02
So there is no chance to get even partial solution? I will even accept that Upload will be 1Mb/s that I will be able to use this connection. This is not fair that this takes so long without any reaction from your side. I didn't even received promised by Technical Hotline credits, so It's sounds unserious. So what about my prevoius question: Is this reason to do Sonderkundigung?
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am 07.03.2019 17:51
Hello, Luqiss,
I'm afraid I can't offer you a temporary solution.
My colleagues are working to relieve the management. Unfortunately, this work takes a little time and is still solved overnight.
I can offer you a credit of 50% of the monthly amount.
Would that be okay for you?
Best regards
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am 08.03.2019 14:02
If thats only what you can do - yes please. But as I wrote in prevois post I got this offer few times on Technical Hotline and I never got any extra credits on my account. Maybe this is beacuse I have Vofafone internet free of charge till end of May as long I still have old M-Net internet?
Nad other quesion: So if undertood you correctly the problem should be solved till June thi year? Is this certain?
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am 09.03.2019 20:17
Hello Luqiss,
did you see your bills?
At the moment, you didn't pay for the contract. 😉
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am 10.03.2019 09:55
Yes I already wrote that in my prevoius Post. This means you offer of discount is sensless. I also asked how certain is that the problem will be solved till end of June?