am 02.11.2020 22:15
Dear Team,
I will be moving out of Germany on 18th December 2020.
Could you please initiate the process of Cancelation accordingly.
Please let me know if any information required.
am 03.11.2020 01:07
Easiest way is by reporting a move - you're asked to provide your new address.
In case you're moving out of Germany, your moving request will be changed into a premature termination later on after you provide a copy of the deregistration document.
By that, you'll be required to pay the monthly fees for another 3 months from the day that you leave Germany - and please also don't forget to send back rental devices in time - that needs to be done on your own expenses.
am 03.11.2020 13:45
Hello Sahoo_B,
the easiest way is to inform us about your move via our moving service. If we cannot continue to provide you with services at your new address, as in your case, your contract will be terminated with 3 months' notice in accordance with the Telecommunications Act. Have you already told us this way?
Best regards
am 22.01.2021 15:06
Dear nancy,
I have already communicated this.
However I see January 2021 Statement. As I have moved out of Germany, could you please close the connection and don't make me accountable to pay.
I don't know German and the procedure fully. Kindly help!
am 22.01.2021 15:28
Have you read, what was already written?
You have to report a move! And you have to hand in a copy of the official deregistration letter.
In any case, you will have to pay for the following 3 months from either the date that your report was received -or- from the date that you moved. The latter one of the two dates starts the 3 months.
So in case you already reported a move BEFORE you left Germany AND you handed in a copy of the deregistration letter, then it'll be 3 months from the day on the deregistration letter, that you still have to pay for the service.
In case you have not reported a move until now, these 3 months will not have started - they'll then start by the day you report the move. Anyhow, if you really left Germany in December, then you will at least have to pay until March.
am 25.01.2021 12:47
Hello Sahoo_B,
please note: the contract is only terminated three months after the moving date or, if the move has already taken place, three months after notification of the move. In your case the contract ends on 23.03.2021
Best regards