Frage wegen einer Kündigung

Dear Vodafone group, 

I want to cancel my contract due to moving abroad on 11th of Sep. 

I've tried to go to the local office and they asked me to create a thread at here, but there is no answer for almost 6 days. I have tried to call the hotline several times but my attempt to speak German is apparently not good enough so they keep hanging up on me. I've tried to submit a question via email with Abmeldung attached, and there is also no answer. What should I process since I will leave Germany next week, how do I make sure that the contract is terminated (or at least the procedure started)? As far as I understand, normally they will reply to the address in Germany that is mentioned in the contract. But I will not be able to receive anything. 


Could anyone please help me?

Thank you in advance.



3 Antworten 3

Hi yulinan518,


for a closer look I need some information from you. Please send me a private message with the following information:


your name

your address

your customer number

the link of this thread


Please reply here when you have sent the private message.




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Thank you so much Stenphan. Please find my personal info in your message box.


Best wishes,

Linan Yu


Hi yulinan518,


thanks for your message.


As I can see, we meanwhile got a cancellation from you. You will get the confirmation in the next few days via post.




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