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Friendly suggestion to Vodafone about overselling practices
"Overselling or overbooking is sale of a volatile good or service in excess of actual supply. Overselling is a common practice in the travel and hospitality sectors, in which it is expected that some people will cancel."


I've been inspired by this thread, similar threads, and personal experience with Vodafone.


In one post one of your colleagues wrote:

"the reason for your slow bandwidth is the said capacity overload, which often already occurs before noon. Unfortunately, all we can do from the technical side is wait"


My suggestion:


Dear Vodafone, how about being a bit less greedy and not sell the service as massively as possible, far beyond capacity of your infrastracture?


Imagine this analogical situation: you buy a FlixBus ticket, you wait for the bus as the crowd gathers, the bus finally comes but you cannot get in, in return you hear "sorry - we sold more tickets than we have seats, all you can do is wait". But obviously it never happened, because FlixBus is a serious company (unlike Vodafone). In fact when I had once unpleasant situation with them (3h delay) I ended up with 150% refund of the ticket.


With Vodafone, if I would get a refund for every day when my Internet goes down it would probably cover all costs I'm already spending on a useless service.



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