am 17.10.2020 21:17
Welchen Vertrag hast Du? Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable
Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? Arris TG3442DE
Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigenes Gerät? Leih-Gerät
Welcher Fehler tritt auf? Upload speed has been deteriorating for the past month, now I can hardly get 10 mbit/s upstream on a good day.
Wie ist Dein Endgerät mit dem Modem verbunden? LAN
Welchen Browser verwendest Du normalerweise? Chrome and Firefox
Welches Betriebssystem hast Du auf Deinem Rechner? Windows, Linux
Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung (z.B: seit Anfang April; nur am Abend) Usually the speed improves a bit on weekends and between midnight and 7 am.
Lade dazu noch einen Screenshot von den Signalwerten hoch. Diese findest Du in der Benutzeroberfläche Deines Kabelrouters über bzw. über bei der Fritzbox.
Welche Maßnahmen wurden durch die Störungshotline (erreichbar unter 0800-5266625) durchgeführt?
In welchem Bundesland wohnst Du? Bayern
for the past month my upstream connection has been getting worse and now I can hardly get 10 mbit/s upstream. I have been monitoring the modem upstream channels and now they are constantly stuck at 4QAM modulation which explains the slow speeds.
The same problem was fixed back in March via this thread: so you should still have my customer info.
Here is a current speed test and DOCSIS status from the modem.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
am 20.10.2020 08:45
due to the low modulation, the load on the upstreams has increased enormously. I have arranged a check and recorded a ticket for you.
am 04.11.2020 12:44
the service ticket was closed 3 days ago and there is definitelly an improvement in the upstream speed (I get 25-35 mbit/s rates, still not anywhere close to 50) along with the modulation stable in the 16/32 QAM region but now there is a pretty consistent packet loss (10-15%) for the past week.
Attached is a packet loss graph of the past 2 weeks.
Could you take a look, please?
am 09.11.2020 10:20
should be fine now, there was something faulty - looks like its fixed.
am 13.11.2020 08:47
Not much of a change on my end. I've restarted modem and router several times and I've switched the monitoring IP but packet loss persits. And while the channel modulation seems to be pretty good I'm noticing reduced upstream - usually in the 20-25 mbit/s region. Here is a snapshot of the packet loss in the last 20 hours.
Thanks for the help!
am 19.11.2020 14:15
Hi wealas,
everything seems to be fine. You use your own router behind the cable-modem?
Kind regards
am 20.11.2020 08:51
yes, I do have my own router. However, when I switch the network monitor to only ping the cable modem I get no packet loss. When I switch to ping or I get packet loss.
Here is a screenshot of the past 20 hours. You can see the period of no packet loss between 16 and 19 hours when the router was just pinging the cable modem. After that I switched to and got consistent packet loss.
I also noticed that when the upstream channel modulation falls to 8 QAM the packet loss stops. It happened last week for about 2 days and as soon as the upstream modulation recovered to 16/32 QAM the packet loss was back without any intervention on my side.
am 24.11.2020 13:56
Hello wealas,
the disturbance occurs throughout the day, or rather in the evening hours?
Best regards, Martin
am 24.11.2020 14:19
Hi Martin,
packet loss happens throughout the day. Attached is a snapshot of the past 60 hours at 25min averages.
am 26.11.2020 15:31
Hello wealas,
currently the upstream workload is increased, which leads to the impairments The colleagues are currently investigating how to relieve the load.
Best regards, Martin