am 29.04.2021 15:48
Yesterday I received the "Auftragsbestätigung" for my WLAN-Hotspot-Flat subscription. Thein I followed the instructions and I succedded in logging in with my laptop. The problem is that I can't connect the other two devices that are provided in the tariff (Teilnehmer am Homespot-Service stehen Ihnen bis zu drei zusätzliche Logins). When I try to register a new account, the pages refresh without creating the new account.
Someone has experienced something similar? How can I do?
Thank you very much!!
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 30.04.2021 09:02
Hello camillainsalata,
where do you try to register a new account, via the Hotspot administration page? Did you register in the customer portal first?
Kind regards,
am 30.04.2021 09:02
Hello camillainsalata,
where do you try to register a new account, via the Hotspot administration page? Did you register in the customer portal first?
Kind regards,
am 30.04.2021 12:52
Hi Claudia, thank you very much for the help!
It was the same page but it didn't work for the past few days, now I succeded
Kind regards,
am 03.05.2021 08:16
Hello camillainsalata,
nice if it works now.
Many greetings