am 06.07.2020 14:09
I have a contract for red internet and phone 250 DSL. Due to the pandemic, I need to leave Germany and return to my home country in the United States in the month of August. I was told in the Vodaphone store before starting my contract that I could cancel it in the event that I'd need to leave Germany without getting penalized. How do I go about canceling my contract? What paperwork do I need?
Thank you for your time,
am 07.07.2020 13:12
Hi @carissa,
I'm sorry you have to go back because of the Corona pandemic. 😞
You can cancel the contract extraordinarily. That's right. Just keep in mind that you will get a final bill after the cancellation date. You also have to send the router back after the cancellation date if you have rented it. Maybe we should do the cancellation a few days earlier before leaving?
Please send me a private message with the following data:
-> customer number (starts with 0019)
-> customer password (alternatively: name, adress & date of birth)
-> desired date for cancellation
I'll get back to you asap. 🙂
Best regards
am 24.07.2020 11:33
Hi Norman,
Thank you for the reply. I private messaged you!
am 25.07.2020 15:24
Hey carissa,
and Dany meesaged back.
So everything is fine and your thread can be closed?
am 28.07.2020 10:28
I have a follow-up question. In the email I was sent from Vodafone, it said that I had 14 days to return the router or else I will be charged for the price of it. Does this mean 14 days from when I got that email or 14 days following the official cancelation date of my contract on 10.08 ? I would prefer to keep the connection as long as possible.
The email read:
SchickenSieunsbitteIhrMietgerät(AVMFRITZ!Box7530(Mietgerät))komplettmitZubehörund diesemRetourenscheininnerhalbvon14Tagenzurück.GutzuwissenieFristbeginnterstmitdem Kündigungstermin,alsowennIhralterAnschlussabgeschaltetwurde.BisdahinkönnenSiedasGerät natürlichweiternutzen.FrankierenSiebittedasRücksende-Paketausreichend.
BekommenwirvonIhnenkeinerechtzeitigeundvollständigeRücklieferung,müssenSiedasGerät bezahlen.DasGerätgehörtdannIhnen.DiePreisefürDSL-undLTE-GerätefindenSieimInfoDok120. FürVodafoneTVfindenSiesieimInfoDok3001
Thank you,
am 28.07.2020 16:30
Hi carissa,
as mentioned in my private message, please return the modem within 2 weeks after the end of the contract.