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am 03.02.2025 20:30
I'm a new customer of Vodafone. Last week I signed a contract for Internet 1000 MAX Kabel Connect with a standard router. I tried connecting the internet, but unfortunately the router only blinks red and sometimes white. I tried turning off, replugging all the cables, resetting the router, and waiting for many hours - none of these worked. What else can I try?
I can't write to support because it requires adding my contract to MeinVodafone which in turn requires 15-digit Aktivierungscode that I haven't received either by post or email, and also I can't call to support, because I won't be able to communicate in German properly.
Also I see the notice "Wir haben Störungen oder Wartungen gefunden. Klick für mehr Infos auf die Störung oder Wartung. Hinweis: Glasfaser-Störungen oder-Wartungen können wir noch nicht anzeigen. Klick für Glasfaser bitte unten auf „Passende Hilfe bekommen“ at https://www.vodafone.de/stoerung/validate. However, I'm not sure if these are related issues because my neighbors have internet.
Can someone help me with this problem?
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am 03.02.2025 22:48
There is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via WhatsApp
The forum is now just a customer helping customer forum.
Best regards Kurt