am 04.08.2024 14:36
I have tried calling and speaking to various agents but none of them have been comfortable enough in English to help me resolve my billing issue. I have maintained a Vodafone DE account with four mobile lines for about 7 years. We no longer live in Germany but have kept the account going for times when we travel to the EU from our home in the US. We do not use the phones in the US, three of the SIM cards are not in phones, the 4th SIM card is in a phone that is left in airplane mode. Historically our bill has been essentially the same every month. Just the last two months, our bill doubled in cost. It appears that's due to a feature being enabled for international calling & data. We do not want that feature because we do not use the phones when we are outside the EU.
Is there a way to turn off the international calling feature? If not, how can we cancel the entire account. The new monthly cost is too high to justify given that we don't use the phones while we are in the US.
Thank you
am 04.08.2024 16:06
Hi @dhearst,
Did you permanently move to the US? If so, then you can cancel the mobile phone contracts with exceptional reason.
You only need your deregistration certificate for that.
am 04.08.2024 16:29
OK, but ideally it would be better not to cancel the account. I don't understand why the terms of the account changed in June after 7 years. So, it would be better if I could either disable that extra (international) charge, or else change the plan to something that is more like what we had previously.
am 04.08.2024 19:40
For support in English try WhatsApp: