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Contract Drawn Up by False and Misleading Information

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a foreigner and my customer number of Vodafone is xxx. This customer number includes a contract for internet (contract number xxx) and one for TV service (contract number xxx). I don’t need the TV service and have never used it. The contract for TV service was drawn up by a mistake and I have been trying to cancel it ever since I found its existence. On April 17th 2021, two men in uniform of Vodafone came to my apartment and asked me if there was something wrong with my contract. I told them that the contract for TV service was made against my will and I would like to cancel it. They said they could cancel it and suggested that I change my internet contract to a combination of internet and phone service. They asserted that Vodafone would charge me for the combination of internet and phone service as a whole and there was going to be no charge for the TV service anymore. They asked me to sign a form in German the content of which I didn’t understand at all and told me that it was for the cancellation of the TV contract. On May 10th, I found myself being charged 64.18€ by Vodafone for some reason unknown to me. I contacted the person who did the operation mentioned above and he said this was for the change. By the end of May, I got my bills for both the internet and TV service as usual and nothing changed. I contacted that person again and he said he failed in getting an explanation from the customer service. Not until June 6th when I opened the envelope for the delivered SIM card did I find that a new contract only for the phone service had been drawn up with my signature which they told me was for the cancellation of the TV service. Before that I thought the SIM card was for the newly made combination of internet/phone service and didn't pay much attention to it. I used the SIM card logging into MeinVodafone and eventually found a new customer number for the phone service. Then I gradually found that the former contracts for internet and TV service had stayed intact for the whole time. There turned out to be no combination of internet and phone, neither a cancellation of TV service. All they have done is inducing me to make a new contract of an extra phone service against my will, by making up a story on the cancellation of TV service and the combination of internet/phone which has never come into being. What’s more, the two men didn’t even let me set a password for the new phone contract (customer number xxx) when it was drawn up so that I was not able to check its details on line. Those two men took advantage of my lack of German language knowledge and deceived me on purpose. Could you please help to solve the problem and cancel the contract for the phone which I don’t want? You can find an enclosed screenshot about the man’s assertion for reference. Thanks very much!


Edit: Please do not publish personal data on the Internet.

6 Antworten 6

If you signed for the contracts and are out of the withdrawal period, you are bound to the contracts until their minimum contractual term is over. There is no "I didn't understand what I signed for and I didn't understand the written contract information and withdrawal information" in German law (nor in any other juristication that I know)...


Please note that you -by giving your signature- agreed that you understood what the contracts are for and that this signature is legally binding. Later on telling that you feel cheated due to insufficient language doesn't work - it is up to you to get a translation if you do not understand what you are going to sign for.




for now, it's just about the mobile phone contract, right?




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Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your kind reply! Yes, for now it's just about the mobile phone contract. Since I have been misled until very lately, please also remind me of any important information if missing. I cannot even be sure if all the terms from that contract have shown their influence so far because they didn't let me set a password and I was not able to check the details. I want this contract to be cancelled and the inappropriately charged money back.

All my best





please let me have a closer look on your contract. Can you therefore send me a private message  with the phone number and your name, address and birth date? Then we can look for a solution.




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Hi Dany,

I have sent the information you asked for to the private link mentioned in your message, please take a look and find a solution, thanks very much!

All my best


Hey DZQ,

thanks for the fast reply. Your private message has arrived - we will answer it as soon as possible.


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