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Complaint against service provider and unresponsive customer service

I made a contract with vodafone for a Wi-Fi connection in August 2023. The service provide who made the contract told us that we'll receive the modem (Fritzbox 6660) and the internet will be activated. However, after we connected our Fritzbox and activated it, we were not receiving internet. We went back to the store immediately and told about the issue and they told us they can't help with that and asked us to call the hotline. We called the hotline multiple times and most of them only spoke German and the English speaking service people were unable to help us. We went to the store again and asked for cancellation before the cool-off period of 14days but they told us we can't cancel the contract. We kept trying to fix the issue, visited the store multiple times requesting them to cancel the contract since we had a valid reason that we were NOT RECEIVING INTERNET. We went to another Vodafone store to clear the confusion and they told that we have the right to cancel the contract since we were not receiving internet. However, only the store that made our contract can cancel it for us and they are refusing to cancel it, asking us to wait and its been over one month. We got billed today. We sent several mails to vodafone but no use. Such pathetic experience with Vodafone. The store people just wanted our money but they're not bothered about doing their job! As non-German speakers and as international students, we are getting tricked and cheated by such a reputed company like Vodafone. Please help me find a solution for this issue. 

7 Antworten 7

English Support is on X (Twitter) or Facebook.

Dein Kontakt zu Vodafone - Vodafone Community

Since 08/22 there is no support in the forums.


There is no right of withdrawal for a contract concluded in-store


Contact the Customer Care (Vodafone Service) via DM on Facebook or Twitter (now X) an tell them, that self installation has failed. They'll send you a technician to solve the problem. There you'll get english support.

But you have to remember that the language of the contract and the support owed is exclusively German.
If you need support in a different language, you will unfortunately have to arrange translation at your own expense.



bad service in all areas...

normally the info given from the store would be correct - no cancellation of contracts signed in a store.


but is it so difficult 4 u 2 get a german speaking guy 2 ypur side 4 this problem??

a friend or a neighbor or just one * dude from the street.....

i know english is first language in 1st world

and i also can't believe that the red company from uk should provide support in english

bot sadly there is not ofren good support available 


Beitrag an Forenregeln angepasst

Haftung, Kosten des mehrsprachigen Mitarbeiters - wenn du einen findest der Bock hat den Prügelbock für alle zu spielen etc. ... 


Die meisten Beleidigungen hab ich damals in der EN Hotline (CCA zum Kunden) gehört 😉



in deutsche bahn kundendialog (beschwerdemanagement) war das zum glück u evtl erstaunlicherweise nicht der fall.


Es kommt wirklich sehr stark darauf an "wo" du bist - die Klientel einer Bank oder einer öffentlichen Behörde ist komplett anders als das was dich in einer regulären Hotline für einen Telekommunikationsanbieter erwartet - dementsprechend sieht dann auch der Bewerber/Mitarbeiterpool aus ... 


 @MasterScorpion - korrekt, natürlich.

aber in der beschwerdestelle der dt bahn fernverkehr würde man i d r auch krasses klientel erwarten...

zugegeben, zu ca 80 % war es bei mir outbound - also reaktion / antwort auf beschwerden die per post, fax (ja, gab es da noch - telegramm u rauchzeichen aber net) o digital rein kamen,

UND es hatte nix mit verspätungen etc zu tun - die fahrgastrechte waren separat.

die inbound telefonie, wo auch mal der ein o andere zuggast etwas genervt sein konnte (so spät abends auf nem bhf im nirgendwo gestrandet weil letzter anschluss ausfiel...) war zum glück selten mein part