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Internet loss at 3:12pm exactly!


Since I started with a new Vodafone Cable with the new modem, Vodafone Station, I had frequent internet losses. Simply all lights would go off, apart from power and it would get back after 10 minutes.

For the last 3-4 days, this happens EXACTLY at 3:12pm which is an important time frame personally due to home-office situation. I did not have this issue with the previous setup (Still Vodafone Cable, different modem).


6 Antworten 6

Hello Naocum,


in which state do you live and which cable router do you currently use?


Best regards, Martin

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Hi Martin,
I live in Berlin, and as mentioned in the post, it is Vodafone Station.


Hello Naocum,


please send me the name of the contract holder, the date of birth, the complete address and the customer number via PN .


After that, leave a short feedback here and we'll be happy to take a closer look.


Many greetings, Martin

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After resetting the modem, it looked like the issue was resolved, but just realized that now the internet gets lost at 12:12 AM and PM. Since this usually isn't the time we use the internet in the household, it went unnoticed. A few resets after, it looks like we can move the disconnection to each 3 hourly interval (3-6-9-12 AM and PM) and exactly occurs at 12 minutes sharp.

As someone in the IT sector, I am quite baffled with what is going on, but I expect the issue to be caused by the modem.


Hi Naocum,


die Fehlerrate am Anschluss ist sehr hoch.

Ich möchte gern einen Techniker beauftragen, der sich das vor Ort anschaut. Wenn das für Dich in Ordnung ist, dann brauche ich noch eine Handynummer, damit wir einen Termin vereinbaren können.
Ist die Hausanlage zugänglich?


Aufgrund der aktuellen Entwicklungen müssen wir gewisse Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen. Daher müssen wir wissen, ob in Deinem Haushalt Symptome aufgetreten sind, die im Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 stehen könnten. Wir wollen Dir natürlich nicht zu nahe treten, aber andererseits wollen wir auch nicht unnötig noch mehr Menschen gefährden.


Viele Grüße


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Hello Naocum,


in order to commission the technician, access to the house connection amplifier must be clarified. Please ask the property management where it is located.


Greetings Moni

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