Wrong adapter with home installation
I am hoping somebody can help.
As you can I see, I do not speak Deutsch yet.
Therefore, I cannot get past the voice recording on the service line.
My issue: I recently purchased cable with the self home installation. As you all are aware, it comes with a F type coax cable and an adapter for outlets that do not have a data plug (f type female).
However, the provided adapter is made for a specific outlet type and does not work on all outlets including mine.
What is the product Vodafone uses to fix this problem?
1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen


i am also a non-german speaker and i have the same problem. Two days ago, I ordered a kabel 500mbit/s. Today the parcel arrived and I cannot complete the installation because the adapter provided (DKT COMEGA POF 1-4 KDG Multimedia-Dosenaufsatz) does not work for the connection I have at home. The connections do not coincide. Therefore, the data cable that has to connect the Vodafone router cannot be installed and as a result I dont have internet. 
I would appreciate any help, as I cannot comunicate with the hotline due to barrier language.








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2 Antworten 2

Hello Nathan1,


what connection did you order and which state are you from? Do you mean the multimedia socket? Feel free to post a picture of it.


Best regards


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i am also a non-german speaker and i have the same problem. Two days ago, I ordered a kabel 500mbit/s. Today the parcel arrived and I cannot complete the installation because the adapter provided (DKT COMEGA POF 1-4 KDG Multimedia-Dosenaufsatz) does not work for the connection I have at home. The connections do not coincide. Therefore, the data cable that has to connect the Vodafone router cannot be installed and as a result I dont have internet. 
I would appreciate any help, as I cannot comunicate with the hotline due to barrier language.





