




Problems with Upload (1000MB tarif) VERY SLOW even after Technician came



I have Kabel 1000, and a new router CGA4233DE, and I am expering that the Upload Speed does usually have a speed of 10Mbps over the whole day. Furthermore, right now since some days ago I am seeing speeds of 2Mbps in the evening, which is ridiculous. When I get the full 50Mbps is sometimes in the early morning, and for sure over the night, when I am sleeping, but that is NOT when I need 50Mbps.


I attach pictures of the DOCSIS at this moment:


DOCSIS 1.jpgDOCSIS 2.jpg

The router I just received it, and a technician came to my place today in the morning, to try to solve it, he said he did all what he could to make the connection better, and until 9am it was better, true, but again is, in this very moment, having a ridiculous upload speed, way less than even 50% of my hired speed:




I see the OFDMA channel with failure, the technician told me that is normal, that is not active in this location, but then, what is the solution? Simply pay for a speed I will never get?

This is happening always, very bad upload speeds, but lately, is getting worse and worse, and seems like Vodafone does not have any plan to solve this situation.

What can I do?

20 Antworten 20



Have exactly the same Problem..



I'm sad that the only thing I can expect is for the Fassung des § 57 Abs. 4 TKG to give me some money back, but I actually DON'T WANT money back, I want to be able to work, and stream in twitch if I want, and upload for backup my photos, in a different time that 2am, that is the only time when I can see the speeds working at 50mbps for upload.


But I would like Vodafone to reply on what can I expect, whether this ridiculous upload speed is going to be forever.


Right in this moment, I have this speed:


Speedtest 2.jpg


Not only I get a 5% of the hired upload speed, I also get 57% at home (with LAN) and the measurement from Vodafone is a 62% of the hired download speed, AND A 64ms PING!!!!

But this, is just the day that the technician came to make all better, supposedly.

Also, for anyone that would need the whole questionare filled:


  • In welchem Bundesland wohnst Du?  Berlin 10587.
  • Welchen Vertrag hast Du? Kabel 1000.
  • Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? Vodafone CGA4233DE Station
  • Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigenes Gerät? Leih Gerät,
  • Welcher Fehler tritt auf? Geschwindigkeit in download, upload, und ping.
  • Wie ist Dein Endgerät mit dem Modem verbunden? LAN 1Gbps CAT7 Cables
  • Welchen Browser verwendest Du normalerweise? Chrome, Edge, Firefox, mit allem gleich.
  • Welches Betriebssystem hast Du auf Deinem Rechner? Windows, OSX, Android.
  • Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung Unstabil Internet seit Corona anfang, aber grosser problemen, seit 2 Wochen.
  • Lade dazu noch einen Screenshot von den Signalwerten hoch. Done
  • Welche Maßnahmen wurden durch die Störungshotline (erreichbar unter 0800-5266625 für Vodafone Kabel Deutschland bzw. 0221/46619100 für Vodafone West) durchgeführt? Neu Router (nicht geholfen), Techniker zu hause (nicht geholfen).

Hello fjusdado,


sorry for the late reply. Please send me a private message that contains your customer number, the name and birth date of the contract owner and the complete address. Reply here again after you sent the PM so I can check your access.


Kind regards,


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I just wrote the message to you.




Hello fjusdado,


we have some tickets at your historiy, that is for the slow bandwidth, We work on that, to fix it. But it needs more time. Smiley (traurig)




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And by when should this be solved? Since the first ticket was opened if I recall correctly in October 2020, and since then upload speed was never as advertised. I was told 6 months some time ago.

I understood in the last renewal of contract in November 2021 that this was going already to be solved. And I did not complain much if the speed was over 15Mbps, but to have 3 or 4 is ridiculous in 2021.

And how can I then ask for a compensation in my bill every month while this is not solved? Since I cannot in some cases even use correctly internet with the ping that is in the image.

More than 1 year and I cannot see at 2pm my hired upload speed, is a bit too much, isn't it?


Hello fjusdado,


according to the order in your history, the expansion work will continue well into next year. The two current tickets through the hotline cannot fix this problem in the short term. I am sorry.


Best regards Fred

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And what is the solution proposed? Just keep waiting? Paying full fare internet for an internet that at times it arrives with less than 10% the upload capacity and mostly now even with less than 50% the download capacity?


I was surprised this week when Vodafone hotline directly informed me that this is a bekannt storung since AUGUST 2020!!!!! I mean, we are talking about 16 months without a solution, and we are talking about it will be solved PROBABLY IN 2022, but not even clear.


Then, my biggest question comes in... why did Vodafone sell me on if I recall correctly October 2021 a new tarif with 1000 Mbps download, when they know perfectly there is a "more than 1 year old issue that is still not solved"?


I would also appreciate to know what to do about the gutschrifts, should I call monthly in order to receive at least some economical compensation for a service that is not provided even is paid?


Thank you for your help, I hope you understand that this is ridiculous, furthermore when we are talking about a capital city with more than 3 million people, not a village in the mountains.



