am 21.11.2022 21:49
Hi any advice on this much appreciated
Our router arrived and issues with connection. Contacted Vodafone and they advised a technician would need to come out and connect our apartment and it would be an easy fix.
CableWay came out and said the apartment needs all new wiring? But there is Kabel already established in the apartment and the check before we moved in stated Kabel established at apartment. The technician was at the apartment all of a couple of minutes
Our landlord has advised the work requested by CabelWay would not be approved and we don't know why they think it needs to be wired up. CableWay made another appointment but never showed up. Trying to call them and no one picks up.
The landlord has advised there is another provider by Vodafone that's not CableWay. I don't speak German. Has anyone been in a situation like this where they have had to organise to get another service provider out? Also where Vodafone have said Kabel is established at the house but it isn't?
am 22.11.2022 02:55
u have 2 know, that "in every apartment cable is established" says only, that u can use the basic-cable-tv in every apartment.
maybe the wiring is very old, has no backchannel (necessary 4 internet services) or what ever.