am 30.11.2021 19:30
I have failure on my internet line constantly, which makes it difficult for me as I have to work from home from time to time. My internet light is blinking red. However, I called several times and every time they say to call back because they don't speak English. I don't know how to fix my problem because no one is willing to help and I don't speak german. Of course, there is no English hotline listed. Poor service and matching customer service.
I saw on the ticket of someone else that it needs to be rebooted from Vodafone side but as no one is willing to help, I don't know what to do.
30.11.2021 21:25 - bearbeitet 30.11.2021 21:29
I have the same problem. I posted whole story and | demanded help. Here is the linkörungsmeldungen-Internet-TV/No-internet-slow-speeds/m-p/2789383
I tried for 3 weeks to get ANY kind of help/contact other than german automated bots. When I connected to living person, I was also told to go f*** myself if I do not speak german. Well, I do, so then they switched tactics and tried to persuade me that the problem liens in my device. When I told them I have 5 different ones, then they told me "there is a problem on your street, just wait" and that's it. I work fully remote and I already lost my whole monthly pension. I am going to go to Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, we can join forces. I believe there are more of us here.