am 21.09.2023 21:15
my internet is disconnected from last monday. and today is already Thursday.
I called vodafone service and they alwasys says there is a huge problem in my area (Erlangen)
soon it will be 2 weeks without internet. is it normal? I don't understand at all.
am 22.09.2023 10:24
Hello hahahlll,
Our customer support can take a look at it.
To do this, we need personal information from you.
Please contact us via one of the following channels:
Facebook service page at
Twitter service page at
Or via WhatsApp chat on 0172 1217212
Network Assistant:
Thank you.
am 22.09.2023 14:33
hello, thanks for your answer.
but I already submitted ticket
however it is never solved so far.
It is totally ridiculous. you know, this is 21century.
no one can imagine that 2weeks without internet at home.
how long should I wait more???