




My account was canceled but still receiving multiple charges debited to my checking

Hello ,

I have a question about my account.  I moved back to the US in September 2023.  My account was canceled in February 2024.  Why are they still charging me?  Attached please find my bank transactions.  Thank you.
Best Regards,
Lillian Lee


Best Regards,
Lillian Lee
11 Antworten 11

It seems like you haven't cancelled your accounts.

Have you ever provided proof of deregistration / movement back to the US by sending a copy of the deregistration letter? If not, your contracts will not be cancelled!


And you seem to have had at least two different contracts - one for landline internet and another one for mobile phone usage -- they need to be cancelled separately as these are two different companies providing those services, even though they are both using the Vodafone brand.

Attached please find my canceling letter and email.  Is this right?  


You only cancelled the TV App, nothing more.

So there was -at least from this mail attachment- no cancellation notice for your landline and/or mobile contract...


And the cancellation for the TV part was dated to end of March 2024 - thus you would've been charged for the TV part until that time (and maybe also in the following month depending on the invoice cycle).


I do not have tv or phone service.  I only order internet.  I already returned my internet equipment before I left Germany.  I talk to the representative to cancel my internet order before I left Germany.

Could you please tell me how can I cancel my internet service?  

Also I do not understand why there are multiple debits into my checking account every month.  Please advise.


Attached please find my form 190 deregistration.  Is this right?

@csci9412  schrieb:

I do not have tv or phone service.  I only order internet.

The PDF you included in your posts only shows GigaTV.Net services - this is a TV only service...


@csci9412  schrieb:

I already returned my internet equipment before I left Germany.

Returning devices does NOT constitute any kind of cancellation!


@csci9412  schrieb:

Could you please tell me how can I cancel my internet service?

As I said - you will need to report a move directly to Vodafone and include your deregistration letter.

From what you included in here so far, you haven't done this.


@csci9412  schrieb:

Also I do not understand why there are multiple debits into my checking account every month.

You opted for multiple services - no matter if willingly or unknowingly.

Thus these multiple services will be billed and debited separately.

Nobody in here will be able to help you - this is a customers-help-customers forum.

You will need to contact the official Vodafone support - most likely only available in German language.

Is there an email address that I can email Vodafone support?  I do not speak German.

I do not have a TV.  It must be an error.