am 14.05.2024 01:16
Hello ,
am 14.05.2024 17:12
For support in English use WhatsApp - there is no support via email available:
am 15.05.2024 00:47
@csci9412 schrieb:
I do not have a TV. It must be an error.
I only gave you the answer based on the documents you posted as none of us people in this forum have direct access to your customers account details.
Anyhow, the documents you posted clearly state that you had GigaTV Net together with some additional services and a second TV box booked - that's purely TV services and have nothing to do with your internet connection. And that only those services were cancelled by March 28th 2024 (which is exactly the legally allowed cancellation term for movements to addresses that are not servicable - given that your movement information/cancellation notice was received on Feb. 28th).